Revelop revitalises real estate for a sustainable future.

Investing where it matters. Catalyzing the sustainable transformation of the built environment.

Revelop is ranked by the data and analytics company Burgiss as one of the world’s best performing real estate investment manager over time in terms of consistent returns. Revelop has a consistent strong track-record of delivering high risk-adjusted returns through active asset management.

We focus on opportunities where our size and expertise give us competitive advantage. We are experts in the complex repositioning of real estate through refinement, redevelopment and change of use.

Since 2004, we have raised c. SEK 12 billion in equity for our funds. Revelop has acquired approx. 1,2 million sqm of real estate in Sweden across 124 assets, with an aggregate cost of c. SEK 14 billion. Our current AUM is SEK 12 billion.

Our investment returns have consistently outperformed both relevant peers and benchmarks across market cycles.

We invest in and create sustainable environments – unlocking exceptional opportunities for communities and investors – reforming real estate, one building at a time.


Thomas Sipos

Group CEO & Executive Partner

+46 (0)709 806 606

Meets the requirements

Meets the requirements

Revelop is ranked in the top quartile of all real estate fund managers globally based on consistent performance over time.

Our ESG framework ensures we always deliver high financial returns without forfeiting the society. We follow and make sure the investments, from a long-term perspective, will contribute to achieve the UN global goals in 2030.

The fund manager, Revelop Management AB, meets the strictest standards in terms of compliance and is regulated by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen).

Asset Management

Asset Management

Revelop’s vertical integrated operations leads to a deeper understanding and differentiated views when underwriting investments, as well as executing business plans. Through our holistic transformation model, we create places that put a community’s needs and aspirations in focus. This leaves a legacy of positive long-lasting social and economic change for the communities in which we are active.

We take local and social responsibilty seriously by engaging with local communities to understand their unique history, aspirations and connections to an area.

Meet our team here

Local footprint and Active management

Local footprint and Active management

We get to know our sites closely and have direct involvement at the property level to optimize tenant improvements, operating costs, energy efficiencies, accounting/property reporting, sustainability services and technical planning.

In-house leasing capabilities and direct tenant relationships provide Revelop with a unique view into the local marketplace.

Ranked by Preqin

Ranked by Preqin

Revelop IV has been ranked number 2 by Preqin in the category of best performing real estate funds launched in 2013-2018.

The ranking is based on the IRR of the funds registered with Preqin.



Investment Strategy

Investment Strategy

We deliver superior investment returns by unlocking hidden potential in commercial real estate through active asset management, repositioning and change of use. Transforming assets into core and sustainable real estate.

Revelop has a programmatic investment approach utilizing in-house market research to analyze sub-markets with strong growth prospects and identify investment opportunities by focusing on the following factors.

Growth markets

  • Pinpoint areas of interest in local and regional development plans.
  • Areas benefiting from ongoing and future infrastructure projects.
  • Sub-markets which, in the long term, will benefit from tailwinds or regenerations.

Undermanaged assets

  • Assets with below market rents, vacancy or short lease duration and inefficient operations, assets or sites which are underinvested in or underutilized.
  • Mixed-use properties with unclear profile in need of repositioning or redevelopment.

Change of use/repositioning

  • Assets with low degree of exploitation and transformational potential in a changing environment.
  • Assets with flexible zoning that can be tailored to occupier needs.
  • Option to increase land value through increasing building rights or rezoning.


  • Find assets that can be transformed from “brown” to “green” to increase their value by reducing their environmental impact.
  • Identify forsaken assets that can be revived to create livelier and safer places where people can thrive.

Legal disclaimer

This page has been prepared by Revelop Management AB (“Revelop”). No liability whatsoever is accepted and no representation, warrant or undertaking, expressed or implied, is or will be made by Revelop, any member of the Revelop Group or any of their directors, officers, employees, advisers, representatives or agents for any information or any of the views contained herein or for any errors, omissions or misstatements. No part of this page may be reproduced in any manner, or used other than as intended, without the prior written permission of Revelop.

Any opinions expressed herein reflects Revelop’s judgment at the date of publication and are subject to change. Revelop accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential loss rising from the use of this page or its contents. This page does not constitute or form part of any offer for sale or subscription of or invitation of any offer to buy or subscribe for any interests or securities nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever.